Ken Lyotier Fund
Ken Lyotier was a champion of the people in the Downtown Eastside, where he lived and worked since the 1970’s. In 1995, he founded United We Can, a social enterprise that has inspired similar efforts in cities around the world. Ken believed in the inherent dignity of all people and therein lies hope for all of us. Ken believed that people can and must come together to create change. We hope you join us and support initiatives to improve the quality of life for members of our community.
We are a community driven fund, and like Ken, believe that change is possible.
We have an ambitious goal to match Ken’s generosity and raise $170,000 by April 30, 2022.
Today, in honour of Ken’s legacy and vision,
will you make a gift and join us?
About the Fund
The Ken Lyotier Fund will support initiatives in the DTES which are intended to improve the quality of life for members of the community through social justice, economic inclusion, and social and environmental innovation. The fund is currently advised by a group of volunteers, each invited by Ken to launch the fund, and who each share his commitment to the people of the Downtown Eastside: Jennifer Johnstone (Central City Foundation), Amanda Burrows (First United Church Community Ministry Society), Sean Condon (Vancity Community Foundation), Geoffrey Howes, Carol Lee, David Lee, Wendy Pedersen and Louise Schwarz.
Thank you
We extend gratitude to those who have made a donation:
Adams, David
Adkins, Tim
Alexander, Susan
Bramwell, Lia
Bullard, Glenn
Burrows, Amanda
Burton, Martha
Campbell, Charles
Clarke, Rod
Condon, Sean
Corrado, Janice
Craig, Bonnie
Craig, Daniel
Craig, Lisa
Cureton, Maureen
Cushing, Natalie Erin
Driscoll, David
Eggli, B Michelle
Emery, Ruth
Etmanski, Al
Fisher, Cara
Fletcher Family Foundation
Fryer, Margaret Lily
Gent, Derek
Hartz, Gillian
Healey, Kinsburh
Henderson, Paul
Henry, Susan
Herman, Ruth
Hoyt, Landon
Hulbert, Henry
Javier, Eliza
John, Lynne & Arleen
Johnson, Graham
Johnstone, Jennifer
Kantowicz, Chris
Labrie, Chardon
Lackie, Michell
Layard, Nora
Lee, David
Letizia, Kate
Lyotier, John
Macki, Jack
MacLeod, Neil
Matheson, Jill M
McDermott, Jonathan
Millsip, Kevin
Minichiello-Stoneman, Gloria
Morrison, Justin
Murphy, David
Murphy, Ken
O'Brien, Jan
O'Hara, Heather
O'Shannacery, Karen
O'Shea, Meg
Paterson, Jody
Phillips, Randy
Prasad, Rajnel
Redfern, Heather
Richards, Vanessa
Schwarz, Louise
Schwartz, Shaugn
Scott, Joan
Share Reuse Repair Initiative
Shintani, Amanda Leah
Spaxman, Ray
Stannard, Laura
Trendell-Jensen, Peggy
Dendoff-Morris Legacy Fund (VCF)
Frank Miller Family Fund (VCF)
Vescera, Mauro
Waters, Moya
Webster, Deirdre