Content/Trigger Warning: This post explores topics of systemic racism in philanthropy including colonialism and anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism. For culturally safe and accessible resources for Black people visit Black Mental Health Canada or Healing in Colour. For culturally safe and trauma-informed support Indigenous people, available 24 hours a day, please visit First Nations Health Authority – Mental Health and Wellness...
The CMHA North and West Vancouver Branch Endowment Fund will support the operations of CMHA North and West Vancouver Branch in delivering mental health services and the vision of mentally healthy people in a healthy society. CMHA provides mental health promotion and mental illness recovery-focused programs and services for people of all ages and their families.
The Jhajj Foundation supports qualified applicants pursuing community economic development initiatives, with priority given to organizations with programs to support alcohol addiction and/or recovery.
Gina Rubin and her mom Janis Eaglesham created the Chrion Fund in January 2000 to support organizations that contribute to the well-being of individuals with mental illness and their families. Gina's family believes that if people's stories and struggles on difficult subjects are shared more often, eventually it furthers the cause by removing prejudice, fear and isolation of those involved.
The Chantelle Iacobellis Legacy Fund was established to help young people suffering from mental illness, anxiety disorders, and other disabilities realize their dreams and potential. It will provide a bursary to a student graduating from Windsor Secondary in North Vancouver.
Vancity Community Foundation supported ShredMasters to participate in a custom marketing workshop to build internal marketing capacity while completing a marketing plan. CSE also received support to hire a sales person to grow the client base for both ShredMasters and ValleyRecycling, a commercial and residential supportive employment recycling social enterprise the organization also operates.
The Lily Dekraker Memorial Fund supports various organizations in the community.
The S.T.E.P.S. (Striving To Empower Personal Survival) Fund will provide grants to support projects and/or programs that address the issues of mental illness and offers intervention and care leading to recovery.
The Metro Vancouver Homeless Count, run by the BC Non-Profit Housing Association aims to provide a snapshot of the region’s homeless population.
The John and Kathleen Gustafson Fund supports a number of health related organizations in BC.