Ethos Black Futures Fund
Ethọ́s Black Futures Fund was established by Vancity Community Foundation, with Ethọ́s Lab Educational Society, to support innovative education opportunities for youth.
About Ethọ́s Lab Educational Society
Ethọ́s Lab Society is a community-centered innovation academy for youth in grades 5 to 12 in Vancouver, BC. Ethọ́s Lab Society is ‘for everyone by us’, meaning they are a Black-led organization with programming open to all youth. The society intentionally fuses Black culture into science, technology, engineering, applied arts, and math (S.T.E.A.M) programming to encourage inclusion, acceptance, and representation. Youth involved with Ethọ́s Lab are empowered with core skills and self-belief to pursue post-secondary education and career paths that are innovative and emerge as leaders in our societies.
About the Ethọ́s Black Futures Fund
The aim of the Ethọ́s Black Futures Fund is to ensure that inclusive S.T.E.A.M. programming is available for youth to explore emerging technologies, build their skills, and find their community. Please consider a one-time or monthly donation to the Ethọ́s Black Futures Fund. Monthly contributions will ensure that youth have access to innovative and inclusive S.T.E.A.M programming, now and into the future.
Support Ethọ́s Lab Directly
If you are interested in playing a more direct role in closing the gap of equity and being a part of building a responsible and inclusive future, consider supporting Ethọ́s Lab Society directly by sponsoring a specific Ethọ́s Lab program or event, please contact Anthonia Ogundele, Ethọ́s Lab Society’s executive director, at anthonia@ethoslab.ca.