Here are helpful resources on homelessness that are specific to the Metro Vancouver region.
new releases
- Employment and Social Development Canada announced in November 2019 the release of the Reaching Home Coordinated Access Guide and the HIFIS Implementation Guide, now available in both official languages on the Homelessness Learning Hub. (Employment and Social Development Canada, 2019)
- Future contacts with the criminal justice system in Saskatchewan: A microsimulation study (Statistics Canada, 2019)
- Upgrading and high school equivalency among the Indigenous population living off reserve (Statistics Canada, 2019)
- Localized Approaches to Ending Homelessness: Indigenizing Housing First (University of Winnipeg, 2019)
- Everyone Counts 2018 highlights: Preliminary results from the second nationally coordinated point-in-time count of homelessness in Canadian communities (Employment and Social Development Canada, 2019)
- Faits saillants de Tout le monde compte 2018 : Résultats préliminaires du deuxième dénombrement ponctuel de l’itinérance dans les communautés canadiennes coordonné à l’échelle nationale (Emploi et Developpement social Canada, 2019)
- Highlights from the National Shelter Study (2005 to 2016)
- Faits saillants de l’Étude nationale sur les refuges (2005 à 2016)
Homeless Counts
- 2023 Report on Homeless Counts in BC
- 2023 Indigenous Homeless Counts in Metro Vancouver
- 2020/21 Report on Homeless Counts in BC
Plans and Strategies
- Regional Homelessness Plan 2015-2025 (RSCH, 2014)
- Talk Ending Homelessness: Priorities + Strategies Report (RSCH, 2014)
- Regional Affordable Housing Strategy (MVRD, 2016)
- Greater Vancouver Cold/Wet Weather Strategy: 2005-2006 Evaluation (2007)
- From Shelter to Home: Greater Vancouver Shelter Strategy 2006-2015 (2006)
- City of Surrey - Master Plan for Housing the Homeless (2013)
- City of Vancouver - Housing and Homelessness Strategy, 2012-2021
- Sustaining the Momentum: Recommendations for a National Action Plan on Housing and Homelessness (2008)
Housing First
- Housing First Innovation Labs: Fostering Collaboration in Support of a Housing First Approach in Metro Vancouver Communities (Lookout Housing and Health Society, 2019)
- Evaluating the Housing First Approach in the Metro Vancouver Region (Simon Fraser University, 2017)
- Housing First: Principles into Practice (RainCity Housing, video series)
- Housing First for Shelters & Outreach – Webinar (GVSS)
- Developing a Housing Placement Toolkit for Housing First – Project Report (M. Ninow Consulting, 2017)
- Housing Placement Toolkit (2017)
- Case Management Tool (GVSS)
- Housing First for Shelters & Outreach – 2014 Tools for Implementation (GVSS)
- Identification Tool (GVSS)
- Prioritization Tool (GVSS)
- A Guide to Aboriginal Resources in Greater Vancouver (Lu’ma)
Lookout Skills First Webinars
In 2016, Lookout Housing and Health Society coordinated six training courses through a housing-first initiative funded by the Homelessness Partnering Strategy, the predecessor to Reaching Home. The resulting webinars can be used for self-directed training or for others to lead the training.
- Hope-filled Engagement
- Negotiating with Landlords
- Hoarding: Keeping Clients Housed
- When Caring Hurts
- Critical Incidents at Work
- Drugs and Behaviours