BC Poverty Reduction Coalition
312 Main ground floor

  Learn more about our work-- the breadth and type of projects and initiatives we're supporting, inspiring stories, and news from Vancity Community Foundation and from our community partners.


We deliver, support, and/or engage in projects and initiatives that advance social justice, financial inclusion, and or environmental sustainability.

Insights & Research

Learning, research and advocacy are essential for driving impact. We develop and support research that illuminates community needs, facilitates targeted solutions and fosters the exchange of knowledge to balance power and spur innovation, responsiveness, and progress toward a common goal.      

Stories of Change
Surrey Homelessness and Housing Society
2017 marks the 10th anniversary of the Surrey Homelessness and Housing Society (SHHS). Over the past ten years the Society has provided over $3.5 million in funding to Surrey organizations that assist people experiencing homelessness. The Society has supported 55 projects with more than 50 partners assisting over 500 individuals, including children, who were homelessness or at imminent risk of homelessness.
Calling Attention to Youth Aging Out of Care
At just 19 years old, youth in the BC foster care system “age out” of eligibility for services and supports and are assumed to become fully independent. The effects of this loss of support are devastating. Former youth in care are over represented in homelessness, poverty and the mental health and justice systems.
Arts for Life Fund
BC has had one of the highest poverty rates in Canada for the last 15 years. There are almost 600,000 people in our province desperately trying to make ends meet and keep their heads above water. The We Can’t Afford Poverty campaign is a community art-driven campaign to eradicate poverty from British Columbia, starting with raising social assistance rates.